
Project Dashboard for ML Data Categorization

Design a dashboard for users of the Categorization project that helps them easily see their data categorization progress and identify areas needing more resources to enhance data quality.

How can we build a holistic experience for data curators to continuously improve their data categorization?

Tamr’s workflow collects and combines data from thousands of disparate sources into a single “Unified Dataset” under a consistent and unified taxonomy using our human-guided machine learning model. This allows businesses to gain clearer insights from their data, supporting new initiatives and saving significant costs.

Though functionally effective, the platform did not previously offer a central dashboard for users to take actionable steps to enhance data quality.



My Role

UX Product Design Lead

User Research

Concept Development

Prototyping and User Testing

Discover the core user problems and machine learning mechanisms

Due to the technical nature of this set of features, I spent quite a bit of time collaborating with the machine learning engineers to better understand the technological implications and available upcoming features. Below are some pictures of our white boarding discussions, which often included other members from product and client-success as well. Pictured below are also some personal white boarding done myself to work out some design possibilities.

Categorization Project Dashboard

Pictured below is a final design for the categorization project dashboard, including:

  • Records that need action & attention

  • A holistic project metric describing project performance

  • Insight into the users contributing to the project

  • Direct transparency into the distribution of the project’s data categorizations

Trust of platform results, as well as overall user satisfaction, grew tremendously as users finally had a central, grounding dashboard to keep their project in check.

Ultimately, this dashboard gave users and their organizations the necessary insight to consistently evaluate the holistic state of their project and continue with the necessary measures to further the quality of their output data and further .

Onboarding Enhancements

The image below shows the final step of the onboarding process for the categorization project, which assists users in setting up their data categorization projects properly to maximize the platform's benefits. Before this, users needed to partner with Tamr consultants to start a categorization project due to the lack of product guidance in getting started.