Noodle Education

Personalized Education Search

Our small Boston-based startup had the grand vision to become the best place to search for personalized education to fit every lifestyle.

How can we build an experience to offer personalized of education opportunities to match a user’s lifestyle? was born to build the best place to search for education tailored specifically to one’s own personal goals and lifestyle. No matter if you’re looking for a traditional 4 year program to complete after high school, or a single working parent looking to level-up your career, aims to offer you the best possible path towards achieving your education and career goals.



My Role

UX Product Design Lead

Concept Development

Prototyping and User Testing

Acquire more users through a simplified onboarding exercise

In order to curate the best education possibilities for each user, we needed to better understand their education history and goals for the future. We designed a short quiz directly from the home page to capture user data and offer them a curated list of education opportunities.

Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator

A critical component of Noodle’s education search centered around this new feature called the ROI Calculator. Based on public education and salary data, we designed and developed this simple view to help users visualize just how much return on investment they could gain by achieving their education goals guided by the platform.